putting up / pʊt /


putting up4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

put, put·ting.

  1. to move or place so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position: to put a book on the shelf.
  2. to bring into some relation, state, etc.: to put everything in order.
  3. to place in the charge or power of a person, institution, etc.: to put a child in foster care.
v. 无主动词 verb

put, put·ting.

  1. to go, move, or proceed: to put to sea.
  2. Informal. to begin to travel: to put for home.
  3. to shoot out or grow, or send forth shoots or sprouts.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a throw or cast, especially one made with a forward motion of the hand when raised close to the shoulder.
  2. Also called put option. Finance. an option that gives the right to sell a fixed amount of a particular stock at a predetermined price within a given time, purchased by a person who expects the stock to decline.Compare call.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. put about, Nautical.to change direction, as on a course.to start; circulate.to inconvenience; trouble.to disturb; worry.to turn in a different direction.
  2. put across, to cause to be understood or received favorably: She put across her new idea. He puts himself across well.to do successfully; accomplish: to put a project across.to be successful in: It was obviously a lie, but he put it across.
  3. put aside / by to store up; save: He put aside some dried fruit, water, and energy bars in anticipation of the predicted heavy snowfall.I have some money put by for a rainy day.Also set aside. to put out of the way; place to one side: Put aside your books and come for a walk.

putting up 近义词

v. 动词 verb

accommodate guest

v. 动词 verb

build, erect

putting up构成的短语

  • put a bug in someone's ear
  • put across
  • put a damper on
  • put all one's eggs in one basket
  • put an end to
  • put an idea in one's head
  • put a premium on
  • put aside
  • put a spin on
  • put at ease
  • put at someone's disposal
  • put away
  • put back the clock
  • put behind one
  • put by
  • put down
  • put down roots
  • put forth
  • put forward
  • put hair on one's chest
  • put heads together
  • put ideas into someone's head
  • put in
  • put in a good word
  • put in an appearance
  • put in mind of
  • put in mothballs
  • put in one's place
  • put in one's two cents
  • put in order
  • put in the way of
  • put into effect
  • put into practice
  • put into words
  • put it mildly
  • put it to
  • put lead in one's pencil
  • put money on
  • put off
  • put on
  • put on a brave face
  • put on a brave front
  • put on airs
  • put on an act
  • put on a pedestal
  • put one in mind of
  • put one into the picture
  • put one off
  • put one off one's stride
  • put one out
  • put one's back into it
  • put one's back up
  • put one's best foot forward
  • put one's cards on the table
  • put oneself in someone's place
  • put oneself out
  • put one's face on
  • put one's feet up
  • put one's finger on
  • put one's foot down
  • put one's foot in it
  • put one's hand to
  • put one's head on the block
  • put one's house in order
  • put one's mind to
  • put one's money where one's mouth is
  • put one's nose out of joint
  • put one's oar in
  • put one's shoulder to the wheel
  • put on hold
  • put on ice
  • put on one's thinking cap
  • put on the dog
  • put on the feed bag
  • put on the map
  • put on the spot
  • put on weight
  • put our heads together
  • put out
  • put out feelers
  • put out of business
  • put out of one's mind
  • put out to grass
  • put over
  • put paid to
  • put right
  • put someone away
  • put someone down
  • put someone in his or her place
  • put someone on
  • put someone out of his or her misery
  • put someone right
  • put someone through his or her paces
  • put someone up
  • put someone up to
  • put someone wise
  • put that in your pipe and smoke it
  • put the arm on
  • put the blame on
  • put the cart before the horse
  • put the fear of God into
  • put the finger on
  • put the heat on
  • put their heads together
  • put the kibosh on
  • put the lid on
  • put the make on
  • put the screws on
  • put the skids on
  • put the skids under
  • put through
  • put through the wringer
  • put to bed
  • put to death
  • put to flight
  • put together
  • put to good use
  • put to it, be
  • put to rights
  • put to sea
  • put to shame
  • put to sleep
  • put to the test
  • put two and two together
  • put up
  • put upon, be
  • put up or shut up
  • put up with
  • put wise
  • put words in someone's mouth
  • put one's head on the block
  • (put) at ease
  • (put on a) brave face
  • cart before the horse, put
  • clamp down (put the clamps on)
  • flesh out (put flesh and bone on)
  • for (put in one's) two cents
  • (put on a) hair shirt
  • hard put
  • (put) in effect
  • (put) in the picture
  • lay (put) one's cards on the table
  • lay (put) one's hands on
  • lay (put) the blame on
  • (put someone's) nose out of joint
  • not put something past someone
  • (put) off the track
  • (put) on a pedestal
  • (put) out of business
  • pull (put over) a fast one
  • throw (put) off the scent

更多putting up例句

  1. To put it rather uncharitably, the USPHS practiced a major dental experiment on a city full of unconsenting subjects.
  2. Kennedy: "Mankind must put an end to war — or war will put an end to mankind."
  3. Obsessive exercising and inadequate nutrition can, over time, put people at high risk for overuse injuries like stress fractures.
  4. When I put their allegations to Epstein, he denied them and went into overdrive.
  5. We did ThunderAnt stuff for ourselves and just put it online, and then it blossomed into something else.
  6. He was voluble in his declarations that they would “put the screws” to Ollie on the charge of perjury.
  7. Each day she resolved, "To-morrow I will tell Felipe;" and when to-morrow came, she put it off again.
  8. This is the place where the Muscovite criminals are banished to, if they are not put to death.
  9. Let them open their minds to us, let them put upon permanent record the significance of all their intrigues and manœuvres.
  10. Before the spinet a bench was placed about four feet below the keys, and I was put upon the bench.